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Rant of the day !!(or so)
Rant of the day !!(or so)
liberal book & movie reviews

what I've got to say!!!!

4 more years!!! I can't stand it and I won't. You shouldn't either.
On wednesday Bush told Democrats that he will reach out to them and make bipartisan decisions. DON'T BELEIVE HIM FOR A SECOND.
He ran his 2000 campaign on compassionate conservatism and look what he did. Why should his second term be any different?
What really won him this election was the religious right. The people who beleive every sperm is sacred and gays should be locked up. Why? the bible says so.
Anyhoo, DO NOT TRUST BUSH. DO NOT TRY TO UNITE THIS COUNTRY BY JOINING HIM. We must get him to join US. Bush can tell us to join him because that is just what a democrat would do. They are so sensitive and sad after the election that they'll go soft on Bush and watch as he takes over the world with his crazy ideas.
What should you do, you ask?

I haven't written in a really long time and a lot has happened since October 9th. Last thursday I went to the Kerry rally in Minneapolis. It was amazing. 20,000 possibly 30,000 people stood in the parking lot outside the metrodome. It was amazing.
We're in the home stretch now and it seems to be coming official that Kerry can and will win. we need to work really hard for these last eight days and we can pull it off. I'm really excited and ready to get this terrible, lazy son of a Bush out of the white house and back to TEXAS!!!!

So last night I got to watch the debate with Michael Moore. I was at his "Slacker Uprising Tour" in Minneapolis where he sat and watched the debate on stage with all 8,000 of us. It was pretty cool. Every time Bush lied he put a $100 dollar bill in a hat. Every time he made a misstatement he put in a fifty. And every time he had a stupid look on his face he put in $10. By the end he had put in all $2000 that he brought and donated it to the Kerry campaign. Kerry is on the up and up after winning two debates in a row. wow.
Moore also did a live broadcast to the Bill Mauer show and my friend's arm was on it. pretty cool.

Wow! I'm still recovering from that debate the other night. Kerry did such a great job. Tonight is the vice presidential debate which will be very interesting. The two candidates are very different. Edwards has charisma and Cheney expresses no feelings but anger and a lot less than that if he has one of his famous heart attacks. No competion whatsoever. But it's still worth watching and you gotta watch it for me 'cuz I gotta watch the Twins kill the Yankees. so tell me all about it tomorrow.
the elections right around the corner and we gotta work like hell to get Kerry in Office.

10/1/04- Kerry KILLED Bush in that debate the other night!! jeez!! many people still say Kerry didn't show an exact position on Iraq but we all know he did. He said we should not have done this war this way and he has a plan to get out. That's way more than Bush EVER said!!! so anyway this should be a big boost for Kerry and help him win this election!!

Visitor's Comments and Rants!

George Bush has had nearly four years to prove that he is, in his words, "a uniter, not a divider," a leader capable of convincing Americans to bridge their differences and work toward common goals. He has failed. America is a far more polarized and far less respected in the world than when he took office.

Voters should hold Bush accountable. They can do so by electing Sen. John Kerry.

Jim Epp

I hate you're weebsit. yoo ar soo stoopid. i lik slapign karrie.
i'm george w. bush and i approve this message.
- W.